Thursday, February 7, 2008

Angelina Jolie’s Iraqi Mission

Out to do her part in saving the world, Angelina Jolie took flight from London to her final destination of Baghdad, Iraq on Thursday (February 6).

According to a People magazine report, “The goodwill ambassador for the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (Jolie), 32, is there on a U.S. government mission with the State Department to Iraq. She is accompanying Under secretary of State Paula Dobriansky to learn more about the humanitarian crisis and the 4 million displaced people, 58 percent of whom are under 12.”

Of the situation, the Girl Interrupted actress told CNN in an exclusive interview: “There’s lots of goodwill and lots of discussion, but there seems to be just a lot of talk at the moment, and a lot of pieces that need to be put together. I’m trying to figure out what they are.”

“What happens in Iraq and how Iraq settles in the years to come is going to affect the entire Middle East. And a big part of what it’s going to affect, how it settles, is how these people are returned and settled into their homes and their community and brought back together and whether they can live together and what their communities look like. It’s in our best interest to address a humanitarian crisis on this scale because displacement can lead to a lot of instability and aggression,” Jolie added.

Meanwhile, live-in partner Brad Pitt won’t have to manage the kids all by himself for too much longer, as Angelina plans on returning to the States late Thursday night.

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