Friday, March 2, 2007

Paris may go to jail

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According to a witness, Hilton mouthed off to the deputies, prompting the officials to ask her to step out of her convertible. Although a search of the trunk turned up nothing, her traffic record revealed that she was driving on a suspended driver's license, reports

After that the deputies decided to impound her Bentley.

Her license had been suspended last September after she entered a plea of no contest on a DUI (drunken driving) charge.

For that offence, Hilton received 36 months probation on condition that she would obey all laws. But she has violated her probation and might be fined or jailed for three months.

Hilton did not look happy as her $200,000 convertible was being towed away.

Her publicist Elliot Mintz said that Hilton had failed to notice that her headlights weren't on because the parking was brightly lit.

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