Friday, March 16, 2007

The spin doesn’t stop here


Prince Frederic Von Anhalt, Zsa Zsa Gabor’s 9th husband who claims he had an affair with Anna Nicole Smith and is the father of Dannielynn, is suing Bill O’Reilly for $10 Million. The prince states that O’Reilly called him a “fraud” among other things on the O’Reilly Factor on February 23rd.
Anhalt claims O’Reilly “knew that the statements were false,” and used them to “directly injure his reputation in a substantial portion of his community.”

Dude, I think holding a press conference in your driveway where you told the world that you are an adulterer and the father of a deceased playmate’s daughter kind of cemented your reputation. O’Reilly just called you on it.

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